

Source: Zhejiang Taili Vehicle Industry Co., LtdRelease time: 2019-08-16

Now we cleaner work becomes more convenient, greatly improved the working efficiency, and brought convenient to cleaner, so today to explain the electric garbage truck cleaning work procedures, hope to have certain help for cleaning workers, these steps are summed up by our experience, so it has certain feasibility, we must be very good.

The first step: open the power supply of the control box, and point the control button of the control valve to the position of the main valve;

Step 2: Start the main engine of the vehicle;

Step 3: Step on the vehicle clutch; Step 4: Open the oil pump clutch switch attached to the vehicle;

Step 5: Release the vehicle clutch at an appropriate speed;

Step 6: The control box on the back door control button to open position, 5 seconds later to the middle position;

Step 7: Point the carriage control button to the position of rising, according to the tilt Angle of the carriage can point the control button to the middle position at any time,

The above is the cleaning procedures of the electric garbage truck. We should all understand it. If there are any questions you can consult us at any time.

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